Senior Vice President
University of Southern California, B.S. Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
Professional Associations
American Society of Appraisers
National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
Kitsap County Estate Planning Council
Chris Adcock is a Senior Vice President of AltaView and is located in the firm’s Seattle office. He has extensive experience determining discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability for fractional interests in real property and for interests in business entities that hold real property, marketable securities, works of art, and other traditional and nontraditional assets. Chris also has significant experience valuing intra-family promissory notes and other illiquid debt instruments, asset-holding entities with built-in capital gains, and determining discounts within complex and tiered ownership structures.
Chris has performed valuations for a wide range of purposes including estate and gift taxation, financial reporting, transaction advisory, charitable donations, litigation support, and corporate planning. In addition, Chris has provided tax controversy support for a wide spectrum of valuations and has successfully defended challenges to discounts applied to undivided interests in real property, discounts for lack of control and marketability, tiered discounts, lack of voting rights discounts, and discount rates utilized to appraise intra-family promissory notes. His experience makes him an ideal advisor for valuations of varying scopes and complexities. Chris has particular expertise in the following areas:
Discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability
Privately owned businesses and asset-holding companies, including real estate holding companies
Undivided interests in real and personal property
Corporate structure discounts
Fixed income instruments including intra-family promissory notes
Fractional interest discounts in art and entities holding art
Second-level (or tiered) discounts
Prior to joining AltaView, Chris was a Vice President with Kidder Mathews Inc. and led its fractional interest valuation team. Prior to that he served as a Vice President with Stout Risius Ross, LLC and FMV Opinions, Inc. where he was responsible for the development and growth of the firm’s discount valuation practice.