AltaView offers CLE-accredited presentations covering a range of advanced valuation topics. All presentations are eligible for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit.* Contact us today at to schedule an in-person or virtual presentation.**
The presentations currently available are detailed below. Pick the option that best suits your needs:
Interested in one topic? Our professionals can offer a single topic (1 hour) presentation providing in-depth insights, case studies, and analyses, and leaving ample time for questions and answers.
Interested in more than one topic? Select a two or three topic presentation format (20-30 minutes each) offering an abbreviated overview of the selected topics touching on the highlights and offering our entire presentation exhibits as a "leave-behind" for self-guided education.
Valuation of Large Percentage and/or Controlling Interests
There is much debate in the appraisal community regarding whether discounts apply to controlling ownership interests. However, control is often not absolute but a matter of degree, and empirical data provides evidence that substantial discounts often apply for controlling stakes with less than 100% voting interest. This presentation reviews prior tax court decisions on the topic, discusses the various degrees of control and the empirical data and methodology used to support discounts for controlling interests, and addresses common counter-arguments against substantial discounts as ownership interests approach 100%.
Pre-Sale Planning
It is commonly understood that the value of a non-controlling interest in a closely held business is often substantially less than the value that would be realized in a sale of the business. However, a formidable challenge arises when valuing non-controlling interests in closely held businesses that are exploring a potential liquidity event. Is the value equal to the expected sale value, the value ignoring a potential but uncertain sale, or somewhere in between? And if the latter, how does one support the conclusion? This presentation reviews the common sources of divergence between the value of non-controlling interests in potential sale and no sale scenarios, summarizes the empirical data and methodology used to determine a market-based value conclusion that incorporates the probability of a successful sale and the potential time to completion, and discusses various common tax efficient wealth transfer and charitable giving strategies employed in this context.
Vertical Slice Transfers in Private Equity Funds
Private equity fund managers benefit from significant tax efficient wealth transfer opportunities due to the potential for large carried interest distributions in the future. However, care must be taken in effecting such transfers due to the provisions of I.R.C. Section 2701 as well as the complexities of valuing such interests. This presentation reviews the structures and economics of typical private equity funds, summarizes how Section 2701 issues arise in the transfer of ownership interests in private equity firms, and identifies key issues and common pitfalls in the valuation of such interests.
Do You Have Another Topic In Mind?
We're open to suggestions for additional topics that may be of interest. Contact us at with your suggestions.
* Presentations have been accredited for CLE in certain states. We may need 45-60 days notice to obtain CLE accreditation in additional states.
** For markets outside of CA and TX, requires a minimum of 6 attorneys in attendance.